CAT'S CRADLE: Landscapes
CAT'S CRADLE: Landscapes
side 1

side 1:

1. Mountains
2. Praerie
3. Snow-fields
4. Listen to the funny smells, part I-VIII
5. The Little Minx
6. Na Ghe Na Ghe
7. Pitch Inn

side 2

side 2:

1. Forest
2. Og De skal ned at stå på alle 4
3. House in the valley
4. Olympia

1988 - C90

Private tape made in vary few copies.

Cover: Laserprint on cardboard paper..


Recorded metween october 1987 and july 1988


In the late 1987 Cat's Cradle started using sampling. This significantly changed the character of the sound and music. The material on Landscapes represents the first early experimentations with sampling.

Listen to track 2.1 - Forest: